Witness Lee on the local church: The Recovery of the Ground and Practice of the Local Churches
Witness Lee on the local church: Main


The Ground 

The Practice 


  Quotes by Witness Lee

This Website will examine a portion of a book written by Witness Lee, A Brief Presentation of the Lord’s Recovery. In this excerpt, he expounds in detail the strategic truths, lost to believers for centuries but recovered through the ministries of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, concerning the ground of the church as well as the believers’ practice of this ground, the local church.

The history of Christianity is a history of loss and recovery. From the inception of the church on the day of Pentecost, God’s enemy, Satan, has been working to damage and undo what God has accomplished. As a result, throughout its two-thousand-year history the church has been plagued with the infiltration of Judaism, pagan religions, worldly philosophies, and heretical teachings, all of which became substitutes for the proper teachings of the Bible. The time eventually came when the truth was, for all practical purposes, lost, and mankind was once again in darkness, void of the light of God’s word. Nevertheless, beginning with Martin Luther in the sixteenth century, God started working to recover what had been lost. Through Luther there was the recovery of the proper teachings concerning salvation by faith, and from that point the Lord began to raise up one by one many Christian brothers and sisters to whom He could open the Bible and reveal the wonderful truths that had been hidden and neglected for so many years. This was the Lord’s recovery, and it continued and developed through the centuries, involving many believers from many different parts of the world. In the last century God turned to China, where He called two Christians in particular, Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, to carry out a further work of recovery. Among the many items that these men saw through their study of the Bible, one of the most profound and far-reaching in its implication was the truth concerning what the Bible refers to as “the local church” (Acts 13:1). In this Website we will examine a portion of a book written by Witness Lee, A Brief Presentation of the Lord’s Recovery, in which he expounds in detail the recovered truths concerning the ground of the church as well as the believers’ practice of this ground, the local church.

Today, the need remains for all the believers to have a complete and thorough knowledge concerning the ground of the church and the practice of the local churches. Watchman Nee and Witness Lee were commissioned by the Lord to recover these truths, which will be covered in detail in the following pages.